1. Rosie Perez is gonna be at Bed-Stuy Restoration Plaza, talking her new book, and she’ll be joined by new City Council speaker Melissa Mark-Viverito. Maybe she’ll bring her gavel! (Friday)
2. Bring your instrument and just suddenly start playing with some buskers at Villain at this kind of odd-sounding concert that apparently “has no rules” (Friday)
3. You can try all of Videology’s food while watching Death Race 2000, as we all know nothing gets the appetite going like watching David Carradine wreck some fools (Friday)
4. Blow all your money at the Brooklyn Flea record fair, because financial planner be damned, records are important (Saturday)
5. Celebrate locally-built boats at the Brooklyn Navy Yard’s Brooklyn Boat Builders Bash. It’s on land, so even if you get sea sick, you should be alright (Saturday)
6. Artists who lived through and made art during the Civi Rights Era are gonna be at the Brooklyn Museum, talking about how much people hated them for actually fighting for said rights (Saturday)
7. Red Lantern is leading a bike ride from their store down to Red Hook, and Red Hook is great, so we encourage any trip down there. Just look out for cars (Saturday)
8. Chinese moms talk being moms, and not being awful Amy Chua caricatures, at the Museum of Chinese in America (Saturday)
9. Take a free salsa lesson, because even if you have two left feet, at least you aren’t paying to humiliate yourself (Saturday)
10. Standard Toykraft is holding their third ever cardboard robot battle, and the only question you should have after hearing that is “How did I miss the first two?” (Saturday)
11. Skuzzy garage rockers Shark? are gonna be at Shea Stadium, bringing summer vibes and NOT chewing you up with a set of razor-sharp teeth (Saturday)
12. It’s your last chance to see bonkers-sounding play BitchTwitch: The Taking of Vicki Presh, which is about a fading pop star kidnapped by the Mu-Sik Liberation Front. We know, sounds like every other play (Saturday)
13. Union Hall is having a house party, and you’re invited. You just have to pledge allegiance to either the East Coast or the West Coast, there’s no hiding in the middle (Saturday)
14. Missed the Prospect Heights Community Farm plant sale last week? Fortunately, you’ve got one more weekend to get some plants and bring some life to your sad and empty apartment (Saturday, Sunday)
15. Art exhibit The Subtlety opens IN the Domino Sugar Factory, and you’ve always wanted to see what secrets Domino held inside. Hopefully those secrets aren’t “ghosts” (Saturday – Sunday)
16. See some free Cajun music at the Jalopy Theater, because you can’t afford to actually go to New Orleans (Sunday)
17. The Socially Sentient Event is talking female nudity and the male gaze, which are subjects that people rarely have strong opinions on (Sunday)
18. See where all that Doctor Who nerd-ery started when The Way Station shows Doctor Who: An Adventure in Time and Space, a docudrama about the creation of the show (Sunday)
19. See what it’s like to be gay in Alabama but still be supported at a screening of documentary Out in Alabama, at Freddy’s and then stick around for some stories after the movie (Sunday)
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