Williamsburg, as we know, is getting kinda lame, what with the billion dollar condos that look like the worst architecture Miami has to offer and a buregoning set of things you can find anywhere in America like Urban Outfitters. Who’s fault is it though? Artists? Bankers? Whitey? Maybe we should go back to our teenage years and start blaming our parents for everything, like this Wall Street Journal story about boomers moving to the city and paying ridiculous prices for uuuugly condos, suggests we should.
Apparently whole slew of baby boomers aren’t bothered by the idea of living around a bunch of people their compatriots been busy tarring as lazy, spoiled and narcissistic, because as the Journal reports, they’re moving to cities in huge numbers. And not just anywhere in cities: they want to be where the action is, so in Seattle, in Denver, in Philadelphia and yes in New York, your parents are all moving to downtown areas.
In Williamsburg, it means paying one million dollars for an apartment in an ugly condo the Edge to be “surrounded by young people with tattoos and rainbow crocheted skull caps” on your way to work, despite the fact that if you were a really cool mom, you’d be trying to destroy capitalism. The Journal spoke to someone who “considers himself a new generation of hipster” (HAH), a 34-year-old who says it’s not so bad to hang out with people his parents’ age. Maybe they share their painkillers more freely?
The story doesn’t go into whether or not these Boomers are frequenting places like the Levee, but we figure it’s only a matter of time before happy hours in Williamsburg are renamed “early bird specials” and every young person parks their Dumpster homes in Ditmas Park or Bay Ridge.
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Yep, it’s Mom, Dad, and don’t forget the Eurotrash one-percenters.
It’s been reported that a THIRD of Willi-B home sales are European buyers, in love with the cafe culture. Très Romney-fique!
You guys should welcome Mom, Dad, and Frenchie with a Brooklyn quiz, see if they’ve learned any real BK culture.
Here’s a sample question:
1. Complete the following: “It was all a dream, I used to read _______________ magazine.”
If they fail, they gotta start packing.
It’s Dwell. Is it Dwell?
Today’s episode is sponsored by the word “up.”
As in: hurry up, hold up, blow up and show up.
And if you can’t handle a mix of all kinds if people, grow up.
We don’t need any toys r us kids.
BK is DIY. That should be the only criterion.