Just because New Yorkers know voting is important doesn’t mean they do it, especially if the newest interactive map from WNYC is to be believed. The number crunching nerds division at WNYC estimated how many people in each census tract votes, using census data and voter rolls from the 2009 municipal elections. The result in Brooklyn wasn’t too pretty, but the good news if there is any, was that exceptionally low turnout was everyone’s fault. So, there’s that.
As you can see, none of the census tracts in Brooklyn crossed over the 50% threshold, with a section of Coney Island coming the closes at 48%. This is a problem that crossed neighborhoods, with those hipsters who allegedly ruined our census count being joined by an army of Sals from Bay Ridge topping out at 30% of eligible voters coming out.
Now admittedly, the 2009 election had historically low turnout, so maybe it’s not normal. But look at these numbers and remember that voter turnout like that is exactly how you find yourself with a third go-round with a billionaire who no longer bothers hiding his contempt for you. So, don’t forget to register or make sure you’re registered, and get out there and vote on September 10.
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