Over the weekend, a group of white supremacists gathered for a racist rally in Charlottesville, Virginia. They carried torches and chanted Nazi slogans. Some of them beat a black counter-protester. One of them drove his car into anti-racist protesters, killing one woman and injuring several others. They are among the most vocal white supremacists in the country, but they aren’t the only ones. This week, there are plenty of ways to stand up to their hatred and racism.
This picture is important. It gives a collegiate, upper middle class face to the racism we have dismissed as coming from poor + rural places pic.twitter.com/jGfZ4TkpqB
— momo (@SighPilot) August 12, 2017
- Tell Trump war and nukes aren’t the answer at this anti-war rally. (Trump Tower, 12pm)
- Protesters are having an anti-war, anti-hate rally in solidarity with Charlottesville. (New York Public Library, 5pm)
- Even more protesters are having an anti-Trump funeral procession/protest. (Trump Tower, 5pm)
- Trump was planning on coming to the city and staying in Trump Tower, and protesters are meeting him outside his building. (Trump Tower, 5:30pm)
- The DSA’s Immigration Justice Working Group is having their monthly meeting. (Sixth Street Community Center, 6:30pm, FREE)
- The North Brooklyn Progressive Democrats are having their monthly meeting. (Mayday Space, 7pm, FREE)
- Two Bridges residents and allies are having a rally to protect their neighborhood. (Department of City Planning, 11am)
- Protesters are rallying in support of immigrants while Trump is in the city. (52nd St. & 5th Ave., 5pm)
- The DSA is having a panel discussion to commemorate the 20th anniversary of the UPS Teamsters strike. (Verso Books, 5pm)
- Learn about the New York Constitutional Convention and decide if you think New York should change its constitution. (Civil Hall, 6pm, FREE)
- Neighborhoods Allied for Good Growth is having a happy hour where you can learn about their work and get involved. (Muchmore’s, 6:30pm, FREE)
- Transportation Alternatives is leading an activist training session on how to cultivate leadership. (TransAlt office, 6:30pm, FREE)
- Rise and Resist is having their weekly meeting. (Church of the Village, 7pm, FREE)
- Indivisible BK is having a general meeting. (Brooklyn Society for Ethical Culture, 7pm, FREE)
- The DSA’s Climate Justice Working Group is having a meeting. (LGBT Center, 7pm, FREE)
- The New Kings Democrats are having a fundraiser and happy hour. (The Well, 7pm, $40)
- The Interference Archive is having a self-defense workshop led by the Center for Anti-Violence Education. (Interference Archive, 1pm, FREE)
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