We were all bummed to learn that Fort Tilden would be closed this summer because of that dickhead hurricane Sandy, and further bummed to learn that restoring and re-opening it was low down on the National Park Service’s to-do list. But instead of moping about it, one enterprising Brooklyn resident has organized a federally-sanctioned clean up effort, Clean Up Fort Tilden, that starts this weekend. So let’s help her out!
Like us, Manjari Doxey is a “total lover/enthusiast of Fort Tilden,” and said that her and her friends were “totally devastated” when they heard the news that it was on the shelf for awhile. But showing the kind of initiative that is typical of us selfish, entitled millennials she contacted the Gateway National Recreation Area and asked how she could get involved with the cleanup effort. She told us they were more than happy to have her help out, especially given the huge list of projects post-Sandy.
The volunteer projects, which are from 11am – 4pm this Saturday and next Sunday, May 19, will focus on picking up debris scattered around the beach, and also the important work of rebuilding the dunes, which will allow the beach to restore itself naturally. That someone has organized a cleanup like this is exciting enough, but upping the ante, Doxey said that while Tilden’s immediate future is up in there air, “the ultimate goal is to get half of it open this summer.” If you want in, you can email them at cleanupforttilden [at] gmail.com. They’ve had a good response so far, but could still use a few helping hands.
And don’t worry about getting down there, transportation down to the beach will be provided free of charge by the Rockabus. Although we imagine there will be less drinking and dry humping than the typical ride down there. On the way back? Well, volunteering is sexy, especially the physical labor kind.
Excited about the effort but can’t make it down this weekend or next? They’ve got you covered. There’s a fundraiser for the cleanup effort tonight at the Erno Laszlo Institute (382 West Broadway), which will have drinks and raffles and all the good stuff you want a fundraiser to have. And sure it’s in Manhattan, but now that you’ve got a guide to getting around there, there’s nothing holding you back from crossing the East River.
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What a photo!
not if that hipster trash in the photo is going to be there again
you’re so edgy.
How many shirtless Brokelynites can @iamkellymurphy fit in a photo?
That sounds like a challenge.
hey, there’s a barrel full of fish over there, why don’t you go shoot it!
i just moved back to ny after being away for a few years…fort tilden never looked like that! it was always empty…which was part of its appeal.