The holiday season (War on Christmas alert!) is a time of togetherness, good will towards man, hope for the future and family. For some people though, the holidays don’t conjure up images of warm hearths and good times. Instead it summons memories of suicidal thoughts, ungrateful gift recipients, drunken arguments and constant questions at Christmas dinner about why you aren’t married and giving your mother some grandchildren already. If that’s your holiday experience, that’s pretty rough, but at least now you can win someone money from it, courtesy of Moleskine and The Strand.
Strand book store is joining forces with Moleskine and putting on a contest to see who can tell the best short story of holiday hijinks. The contest is open to any format (poem, fiction, essay, drawing, cartoon, photograph, etc.) as long as it is submitted on a Moleskine product, and relates to the Holiday Horrors theme. The winner will be awarded $400 and a large Moleskine package with second and third place receiving $200 and a medium Moleskine package, and $100 and a small Moleskine package respectively. The deadline for entries is Dec. 7th at 10:30 PM, so start un-repressing those holiday memories and turn them into a shopping spree at Strand!
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