1. Mad annotators Rap Genius are branching out into news with News Genius, and to introduce it, they’re sponsoring a free trivia event where the winner gets their bar tab covered in full (Monday)
2. If you’ve got some jokes you want to work out, head to Gowanus, where you can get five minutes for jokes for free at Sparky’s open mic (Monday)
3. Get a view of some remote villages in Kenya, and a disappearing way of life, without having to buy a really expensive plane ticket at a screening of The Last Safari (Monday)
4. The Vigilante, who broke out some great tunes at our No Office Holiday Party, will be singing at Game Night at Spike Hill, and we can tell you it’s not a roll of the dice that she’ll entertain you (Monday)
5. Simpsons Club is celebrating Christmas the only way they know how: showing Christmas episodes of The Simpsons. What would you expect them to do, watch Family Guy? (Monday)
6. Listen to the story of Katz’s Deli at powerHouse Arena, and try not to think about delicious pastrami sandwiches. Hell, try not to think about them right….now. Bet you can’t (Tuesday)
7. Make up the most made-up historical event you can think of at Bullshit History and you could win the chance to get love advice in a bathroom from a couple in the audience (Tuesday)
8. Give in to your paranoia about genetically modified foods at a release party for the ecological thriller Drift (Wednesday)
9. The Brooklyn Women’s Collective is giving you great reasons to come to their winter coat drive (other than what a tremendously good person you are, of course): comedians, baked goods and dancing (Wednesday)
10. Of course, if you’re sick of holiday cheer, know a lot about metal or want to win pornography as a prize, check out Trivia is Metal (Wednesday)
11. ‘Tis the season for holiday pregnancies, so Let’s Get Pregnant With Comedy at their holiday extravaganza (Wednesday)
12. Make some mix tapes and swap them with strangers, and probably meet a boy with a soft beard and feelings to fall in love with at mix tape swap party blanksXmas (Wednesday)
13. Get It Out There one more time, with jokes from Brooklyn comedy staples like Wyatt Cenac and Ali Wong (Thursday)
14. See your favorite holiday movie and TV clips at the Sound and Vision holiday party at Videology, and make it a real holiday party by way overdoing it on the complimentary Goose Island (Thursday)
15. Bring a can of food as your donation to comedy show Cause B Show and turn your laughs into activism that raises money for Common Ground’s work with the homeless (Thursday)
16. Pine Box Rock Shop knows what you hip, edgy kids really want around the holidays: a good old-fashioned variety show! (Friday)
17. Indie rock drummer royalty Ahmed Gallab wants you to come see him DJ under his DJ Sinkane moniker, and promises he won’t stop drumming for Yeasayer even if this solo project gets super successful (Friday)
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