Anyone who grew up around a boardwalk will tell you skeeball is a special kind of winter time fun that made you appreciate the barren arcades before the horrible summer tourist crowds come down. Tonight, you can experience it for free: our friends at Full Circle Bar are hosting a FREE night of skeeball (usually $1 a game) to kick off the Brewskee-Ball Winter Skeeson Kick-Off Jamboree, plus an open bar from 7-9 of Genny beers (Cream Ale, tall boys, etc). You can sign up for the new skeeson, and meet your opponents tonight. And hey, they do regular free skeeball and hot dogs on Tuesdays and Thursdays too. Not bad!
[Via FreeWilliamsburg]
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My nickname was Brewskee in h.s. Guess this means I’ve got to go defend my name.
my hs nickname was “white chocolate,” which I do not have the opportunity to defend very often.