This isn’t our normal fare, but you should know about it because A) it’s a benefit for the National Lawyers Guild, which is giving legal aid to protesters at Occupy Wall Street (pepper spray is not a vegetable!); B) these are two awesome musical acts that can drag even the most apathetic 99 percenter into the mosh pit of social indignation; and C) I have to miss it for work tonight and want to live vicariously through you. Jaunty, gritty Jersey rockers Titus Andronicus, sage punk journeyman Teddy Leo and the So So Glows will play Shea Stadium tonight: the $15 tickets are only available at Main Drag Music’s Bushwick Supply Store (268 Meserole St.) starting at noon. Only 200 tix are available, and none will be sold at the door, so get on it!
To get psyched, read Titus’s frontman Patrick Stickles blog post on the movement, why the lawyers guild needs help and his thoughts on why humble DIY Shea Stadium is the best venue in all of NYC.
“These lawyers have been massively generous, and we will look forward to putting three thousand dollars into their pockets, so that they may eat, be sheltered, be clothed, and so forth, while they are putting aside their own capitalist dreams for a cause bigger than themselves,” Stickles writes. “We should all be so brave and so generous as these lawyers.”
[via Village Voice]
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