It’s a sad state of affairs that this has to be said, but, fellas: shouting “HEY SHORTY!” on the street is both not a way to a woman’s heart and really freaking menacing. But, since the odds of street harassment just going away on its own are very, very low, the Brooklyn Young Democrats’ Women’s Committee and the Women’s Information Network (WIN NYC) are holding a workshop tonight on how to confront this skeezeball and illegal behavior.
Street harassment takes more forms than simple hollering, it includes groping and public masturbation, which are relevant dangers for anyone that’s ever ridden the subway. The purpose of the workshop will be to help people recognize when street harassment is occurring and how to respond to it, along with informing them of the “I’ve Got Your Back” movement. And hey, guys are welcome to attend as well, since stopping street harassment takes an effort from all of us.
Hollaback! NYC Anti-Street Harassment Workshop, 1424 Fulton Street, 7:30pm
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