Trump be damned, Cuomo says you’ll still be able to get free birth control in New York state
In 2012, this here blog celebrated the Obamacare mandate that essentially made birth control free to women with insurance. Under the Affordable […]
In 2012, this here blog celebrated the Obamacare mandate that essentially made birth control free to women with insurance. Under the Affordable […]
Ever since they added a bar to their space to cater to the drinking populace of North Brooklyn, Greenpoint’s Sunshine Laundromat and […]
Have you ever had a great night of fucking and then when you wake up realize you didn’t use a condom? Ever […]
We’ll give this to the Park Slope Food Co-op: they really commit to their crazy experiment with retail democracy, whether it’s their […]
Show of hands, how many of you reading this right now want to get pregnant? Right, thought so. In that case, you […]
It’s August 1st, what are you doing? 1) Moving into a new apartment; 2) Pre-emptively mourning the end of summer, in which case, […]
The Atlantic reports: “A group of economists has found that women who had better access to the pill were earning 8 percent […]