So, you moved to Brooklyn and you have your authentic giant beard and your authentic jeans that look ripped from working in the factory all day and your authentic flannel, but you still feel empty for some reason. Something is missing, you just can’t put your finger on it… Well, we’re here to help, by letting you know that you could be the proud new owner of 22 bales of hay if you just take a ride on the L train. Or maybe not the L train, maybe you should rent a beat up old pickup truck for this occasion.
The above hay bales were apparently part of an art exhibit off the Halsey L stop, but now the art is over and the dismantling has begun. Part of that dismantling is figuring out what to do with 22 bales of hay, and the owners settled on just offering them up on Craigslist. The hay bales are “like new,” which is good, but keep in mind that the owners prefer you take all of the hay off their hands instead of just one or two bales.
Like the Empire Records sign being offered on eBay, there’s obviously the issue of where to fit all that hay once you get it. Think of that later. Right now, just think about how an apartment full of hay bales is the key that will unlock your ultimate authenticity, allowing you to laugh in the face of those who think they can signal masculinity better than you.
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