Do you love your local library? How could you not, it’s a giant building full of free books (unless you owe them late fees) that will even go as far as building you a custom reading list. So, since the library does so much for you, by existing and being itself, how about you do something for it and help it win a $20,000 prize from the Neighborhood Library Awards? It’s easy, or at least your part is. Easier than organizing to lobby elected officials for increased library funding anyway.
All you have to do to nominate your library is fill out this free survey here, in which you’ll tell the story of why your library is the best in the city, definitely better than the library those jerks in [TK neighborhood] go to. Well, maybe don’t go negative, this isn’t an election. Five libraries will wind up being awarded $20,000 each in May 2015 after all the stories are read by a panel of distinguished literary folks like twee vegan Jonathan Safran Foer and children’s’ book publisher Julie Strauss-Gabel. Y
ou’ve got until December 12 to get your story in, so you’ve got time to make sure make sure the reasons you love your library are grammatically correct and free of typos. You wouldn’t want the distinguished judges to think you haven’t learned anything from your library.
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