We’ve previously talked about how excited we were that Wyatt Cenac has his own weekly comedy showcase at Littlefield, and all for just five dollars. And if you were at the No Office Holiday party, maybe you also saw him throw down some of his comedy jams. Tonight though, things get kicked into overdrive, as his guests are not only local comedy hero Eugene Mirman, but also the man who’s synonymous with podcasting, Mark f’ng Maron. And for just five dollars!
Show starts at 8pm tonight, so be there, because you don’t want to miss any of it. To reiterate: for just five American dollars, not only do you get a show hosted by Wyatt Cenac, and comedy from Eugene Mirman, but Marc Maron will be there too. Bonafide premium cable superstar Marc Maron! We’re pretty excited. And that’s before we mention that there will also be comedy from Sara Schaefer, Adam Newman, Jeffrey Joseph, Bill Squire and Subah Argawal. So even without counting the host, that’s seven comedians for $5, or less than $1 per comedian. Score one for broke-ass comedy fans!
Night Train with Wyatt Cenac, tonight, 8pm, Littlefield, 622 Degraw Street, Gowanus, $5
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