What are you doing tonight? Well obviously you’re coming to the No Office Holiday Party, because you want to meet Brooklyn’s most attractive freelancers. Before that though, why not get some culture in your life so that you can sound smart while chatting up one of those attractive freelancers? You can do just that by checking out a play by our own apartment expert, Sam Corbin, who’s kicking off Fresh Ground Pepper’s Playground Festival tonight with her short play Condition.
The players take the stage at 7:30pm at the South Oxford Space (138 South Oxford Steeet). Sam describes Condition as “an anxiety attack made of puns and non-sequiturs” and that it’s “inspired by nonsense, wordplay and The Twilight Zone.” Which, while we are dumb Philistines who know nothing of theater, we like the Twilight Zone and as a regular player in the Punderdome, we know that Sam doesn’t treat puns lightly.
So if we were to guess, we would say it’s gonna be a good play that will only cause you to groan a little bit due to dad-level wordplay. Like we said though, telling people you saw a play makes you sound smart, so when you tell a fetching young freelancer that tonight, she’ll be sure to ask to know more. So uh, make sure you pay attention.
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