Maybe you never pictured yourself as a budding urban designer, but Fort Greene Park’s pathways are getting a makeover, and you could be the Nick Arrojo to the Parks Department’s Stacy London. As part of the People Make Parks initiative, the Parks Department is committed to incorporating community suggestions about how parks should look, feel and move. FGP just got approved for capital funding, so there’s a meeting tonight to talk about those pathways.
Lucky for you, this meeting is about a public park, and not our ever-dwindling faith in the MTA, so it might be bearable—dare we say even productive?
And come on, if you live near Fort Greene Park, you definitely have your two cents on “what shape” the pathway designs take. Maybe you’ve always wished you could cut straight through to the tennis courts. Maybe you wish the paths weren’t so close to the sloping cliffs down to Washington Park. Or maybe you want the birds’ eye-view of the pathways to look like a famous president. Whatever your hangup is, it’s worth saying aloud at tonight’s community board meeting at the Ingersoll Community Center (177 Myrtle Avenue) tonight at 6pm.
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