NYC Resistor is putting on a Holiday Craft Fair and it’s going to be like none other.
NYC Resistor is a collective of people who come together in their shared space in Boerum Hill to create, and hack the mess out of DIY projects ranging from crocheting to laser cutting, and other technological fun you would need, if not a PhD, then an inquisitive mind and a lot of time on your hands to figure out. Fortunately at their craft fair on Sunday, you won’t need a PhD to understand how cool the things their vendors are selling are.
Popping off this Sunday from noon until 6pm at their headquarters at 87 3rd Avenue, be sure to get there early, the first 100 visitors will receive a holiday ornament. They don’t say which holiday. Is there a chance one of those ornaments could be a Thanksgivukkah one?
While you you won’t be able to buy their Octoscroll, sadly, the fair will have pop-up books, bow-ties of etched wood, and ” iridescent dichroic tree toppers and laser cut hipster accessories without birds on them.” And for the truly crafty, there’s going to be a free soldering workshop as well.
NYC Resistor Holiday Craft Fair, 87 Third Ave. (between Dean and Bergen) Top Floor, Sunday, December 15, noon to 6pm, FREE
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