We are koo koo crazy about our pools around here. Although part of that comes out of the summer being hot and there being only so many free public pools out there. For swimming other than the existing public pools out there, you have to get creative, like putting it in the East River. Or, in the case of another proposed pool, putting it next to Newtown Creek and filling it with treated storm water that would otherwise become sewage water. Cannonball!
To be fair, the pool, known as the Exorcise Pool, is only going to be located near the Newtown Creek, it’s not going to actually be using water from it. The pool would actually be filled with water that gets treated and cleaned that would otherwise be diverted to the sewage main, which leads to overflows and human waste in Newtown.
The pool’s designer, Rahul Y. Shah, tells DNA Info that the reason to put the pool in East Williamsburg and next to Newtown Creek is that the location is the lowest point of the neighborhood and is the natural direction that storm water flows. It’s not a done deal by any means, but even though we’re a little wary, we will say that we support any pools, so we’ll be sure to keep an eye on this to see if it moves forward. Would you guys swim in it though?
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