Being an artist in New York has never been easy, but that’s especially true in these days of rising rents and child actors stealing your thunder by doing pizza-themed covers of the Velvet Underground and calling it art. Fortunately for you if you’re an artist, the New York City Department of Housing Preservation and Development is now taking lottery entrants for new affordable artist housing Artspace PS109 in East Harlem, which includes $494/month studios and $1,022 two-bedrooms.
Yep, you read that right: a two-bedroom apartment for $1,022/month and it’s better for your chances of getting one if you don’t make a lot of money. Want one of these bad boys? Of course you do. There are 89 apartments at 215 East 99th Street, with 50% being held for residents of Community Board 11 in Manhattan. Which probably isn’t you. People who are working artists though, get preferential treatment for the rest of the lottery units, provided you meet the income requirements. Which for this building, top out at $50,000 per year.
Sure it’s in Manhattan, but who are you to turn your nose up at this? Just make your friends come visit you. Not only does this apartment have cheap housing, it’s even got 3,000 square feet of residential gallery space, so you’ll basically be living in an art museum. Oh! The apartments also have open floor plans, so you’ll have plenty of room to set up however your artist heart desires. Anyway, get over to NYC Housing Connect and apply, before some other budding Pollock gets in. Just be careful about really getting into your “disaffected, smoking artist” phase, you might not be able to bring that home if you live here.
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OMG is his really happening!?
I want in!!