$931/month Crown Heights one-bedrooms now up for lottery
Prepare your paperwork and cross your fingers: Another affordable housing lottery is open to application in Brooklyn.
Prepare your paperwork and cross your fingers: Another affordable housing lottery is open to application in Brooklyn.
Everything becomes so much cheaper when you have lots of roomies.
I mean, it’s a good deal, but like, it’s not a great deal.
The affordable housing lotteries are for three developments, one in Bed-Stuy and two in Downtown Brooklyn.
If the New York Times ran a non-satire article tomorrow saying Lady Liberty was being converted into a Trump Hotel, how surprised would you be?
How many of your friends have a Japanese water garden for an entrance to their apartment?
You could buy an overpriced one-bedroom in Prospect Heights, or you could buy these two waterfalls upstate.
The meta description will be limited to 156 chars, 94 chars left.
Is it really affordable anymore when the only people who are even eligible to apply make 120 percent of the area’s median income?
In which we explore the wonderful world of two-bedrooms, which are consistently less expensive than one-bedrooms in terms of price per square footage.