
New Music Tuesday: Finding some time to smell the Florist

Photo by Stephanie Griffin
Tiptoe, through the flowers, with Florist. Photo by Stephanie Griffin

How did people ever know about anything before the internet was invented? I mean, think about it. I can definitely, very easily recall a time when there wasn’t internet, and it sucked. People had to use maps that they bought from bookstores to figure out how the hell to get places. You had to wait months, sometimes YEARS to hear an album you wanted to hear because you had to wait for the damn thing to come out and then go buy it in a STORE. Sometimes once you got to the store they’d be like “we don’t have it” and then you’d have to fill out a special order for it and go back home and wait for them to CALL YOU and be like “okay, we have it now.” To learn about new things, like new bands or new movies, you had to seek out weirdo magazines and stuff. Shit was tough, let me tell you. But not any more! Since the invention of the internet we can all just sit around in our underwear Googling things like “bumpy ding dang music, etc” and something will come up. Something always comes up. The internet is a dark, endless tunnel of terror and discovery.

I learned about Florist on Stereogum.

Here’s “Cool and Refreshing,” the latest single off their upcoming EP Holdly which comes out on Friday 10/30.

This song is fragile, brave, smooth, and shaking all at once. It’s everything that’s amazing about clicking play on something you’ve never even heard of before and then coming away with a new favorite band.

Catch them on the road at one of their upcoming shows:

November 3 – Ithaca, NY @ House Show *
November 4 – Cleveland, OH @ TBA *
November 5 – Grand Rapids, MI @ Witch House *
November 6 – Chicago, IL @ Pinky Swear *
November 7 – St. Louis, MO @ Lemp *
November 8 – Bloomington, IN @ The Bishop *
November 9 – Nashville, TN @ TBA *
November 11 – Denton, TX @ Rubber Gloves *
November 12 – Austin, TX @ TBA *
November 13 – New Orleans, LA @ Sisters In Christ *
November 15 – Savannah, GA @ TBA *
November 16 – Atlanta, GA @ Masquerade (Purgatory) *
November 17 – Athens, GA @ TBA *
November 18 – Durham, NC @ Duke Coffeehouse *
November 19 – Washington, DC @ TBA *
November 20 – Philadelphia, PA @ Everybody Hits *

* = with Hello Shark


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