PWR BTTM are Ben Hopkins and Liv Bruce and they have better cheekbones/hairdos than your mom and your grandma combined. That is just a fact.
Their first full-length, Ugly Cherries, comes out on September 18th via dual release on Miscreant Records and Father/Daughter Records and a lot of people (music writer people, AND normal everyday people who go outside) are freaking out about it. For good reason. The band’s mix of queer punk politics, fashion that verges on living sculpture, and danceable tracks that are basically a prescription for pure joy make them an all around win win situation.
Here’s “Dairy Queen” off of the upcoming album. Give it a listen and see if it fills your mind with mixed and complicated politics about temporary tattoos, gender roles, Dairy Queen as an establishment, moms on pills, pimples, etc.
Wanting to get to the BTTM of PWR BTTM’s PWR, we asked them a very important question about shoulder pads:
Question: Pick a modern celebrity who you think would look best in a power suit (shoulder pads and all) and then create a fantasy setting for them to wear it to.
Here’s what they had to say:
“The answer is obvious: Gwyneth Paltrow at the battle of Bunker Hill in a blue velvet double-breasted pant-suit eating a meatball sub.The British are coming and she’s all like, “Ok y’all, don’t fire until you see the whites of their eyes”, but then she takes a big bite of the sub and gets marinara sauce everywhere and is just like, “UGH, call this war off I need to get a Tide-To-Go pen” and she leaves the battlefield and the British win the war.”
This is the best possible answer, and I think we can all agree on that.
PWR BTTM have a show at Aviv on the 29th, and play Shea Stadium on Halloween. Don’t miss out on two really great chances to legitimize your own personal use of body glitter.
For the sole reason that I don’t necessarily want to stop talking about them just yet, here’s their video for the album’s title track, just for fun:
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