Music brings people together. Communities are created and fostered through melodies, which is why it’s important to promote excellent work by musicians both popular and obscure from all over the world, hoping its influence will reach our Brooklyn audiences. As a music lover myself, I’m always searching for new music (regardless of when it was released).
Here are four of my picks for this week:
Thom Yorke – Suspiria (soundtrack)
Yorke scored the playlist to the new version of Suspiria and it’s simply fantastic. It’s creepy, ambient, and strange. My favorite: “Sabbath Incantation.”
Michelle Gurevich – Exciting Times
Gurevich is an incredible singer-songwriter. Her smooth, velvety deep voice is entrancing and her lyrics match the intensity. Her latest album is something you don’t want to miss. My favorite: “Fatalist Love.”
Regina Spektor – “Birdsong”
Spektor released a new song and it’s a fairytale-esque acoustic guitar melody with her usual haunting lyrics.
Marble House – Demons
Marble House is a New York City-based band and they just released their first EP, which is a four-song alternative rock adventure. You’ll get lost in the guitar riffs and vocals. My favorite: “Volcano Dreams.”
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