In a glorious Brooklyn triumph over Hurricane Sandy, Fairway Market in Red Hook is re-opening its doors for business a week from today on March 1. After four months of totally unfulfilling grocery shopping experiences, lovers of Fairway can return to the market to find that it’s better than ever, and it’s hanging out with Miss America. Appropriately, there’s a whole morning of ceremony planned to commemorate the grand re-opening, which will be a celebration of the folks who made Fairway a success in the first place – those who live and work in the neighborhood.
Starting at 8am, the three-hour event will feature demos, giveaways, music, and Marty Markowitz, who will probably cut some sort of ribbon. Mallory Hagan, who became the first Miss Brooklyn to take the Miss America title last month, is also set to be there, and will likely be almost as beautiful as the 600 cheeses and exotic coffees that Fairway is proud to sell. The Fairway website also alludes to “other special guests,” who might just be an additional 200 cheeses.
Customers can begin browsing wider aisles, an expanded bakery, and a larger café at 11am. Expect the goodwill to dissipate at 1:05pm when two people go for the last block of brie.
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