Getting hit by a subway car is probably one of the most calamitous things that can happen to someone in New York on any given day. If you’re lucky enough to live through it, you’re gonna have a long road to recovery ahead of you. Unfortunately for Bed-Stuy comedian Liza Dye, she did get hit by a train, and while she survived it at least, she also came away with a mangled leg and big hospital bills. But Liza has good, funny friends who are trying to help her pay her medical bills, and they’ll all be at Littlefield on Thursday telling jokes for money, money that goes to Liza.
The #HelpLiza benefit on Thursday at 7:30pm includes some established New York comedy voices like Michelle Wolf and the Murderpress sketch group. Our pal Sue Smith will be there too, because she’s a mensch, and so will Charla Luriston of Clench & Release fame. Most importantly though, they need you to be there, so that they can help finish raising the $75,000 for Liza that they want to put towards her medical bills. 100% of the show’s proceeds are going towards this expense, so just like a normal comedy show, no performer is getting rich off of it. But neither is the venue or a booking agent.
Tickets are just $10 in advance or $15 at the door, which is a great rate to be paying for being able to see 9 comedians. And if you can’t make it on Thursday, you can also give a donation to the YouCaring page that Liza’s pals have set up.
#HelpLiza: A Comedy Benefit Show for Liza Dye, Thursday, March 27, 7:30pm, Littlfield, 622 Degraw Street, $10 advance/$15 door,
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