It comes as no news to the Dumbo Improvement District that the unrelated Disney film which, le duh, shares the same name as the neighborhood, is a great marketing ploy. Dumbo the flying elephant, in all its Disnified glory, carries a lot more international brand recognition than Dumbo the neighborhood – although, the nabe is rapidly gaining in branding ability. A few years ago, a Dumbo BID representative even appeared unannounced at my Dumbo office in an elephant mask and three-piece suit to hand out fliers for an event – so, while the parachuting toy elephants invading the neighborhood tomorrow have not been formally linked to the film, it seems like that was, like, most definitely the inspiration.

The invasion, according to TimeOut New York, will occur tomorrow, Thursday, September 28 as part of a new annual block party – The Great Dumbo Drop – raising money for two local public schools, P.S. 307 and the Dock Street School. The raining elephants can be “adopted” for $20 per elephant online beforehand. Big time givers are also offered the option of adopting multiple elephants – 6 for $100, 20 for $350, or ONE THOUSAND ELEPHANTS for $1,500.

The sponsored elephants will be rained down upon Washington St. at 6pm and the owner of the, “elephant landing closest to the target in the middle of the street will win a $500 shopping spree in Dumbo!” according to the event’s website.
You’ve got till 5pm tonight to sponsor an elephant. Elephants will not be up for adoption at the event.
[H/t: TimeOut New York]
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