With not much yet to pen into your über-broke post-Halloween calendars, there is a silver lining of fun (cool) + pretty cheap close on the horizon. King Con Brooklyn (II), an independent comic and animation convention, is taking over the Brooklyn Lyceum for the next few days. For $10 for the whole weekend (or $7 per day), you can thrust yourself into the world of indie comics, illustration and animation of all shapes and sizes: web, small press, feminist, all-ages, kid-friendly, highly adult and everything in between. Aside from the hours of highly colorful entertainment, you might even get a leg up on shopping and support independent artists. But let’s not get too far ahead of ourselves.
In case the indie-spirit of the Con doesn’t quite move you, the weekend’s boasting some big-name panel discussions, including Bored to Death creator, Jonathan Ames, and a spotlight on legendary X-Men writer Chris Claremont. The main events are happening this weekend, Nov. 6 and 7, but there’s a prelude with special evening events on Thursday and Friday, Nov. 4 and 5. Learn about how graphic novels are affected by the death of print media, perhaps tap into Dave Roman and Raina Telgemeier’s Comics Bakery community, or try your hand at obtaining a felt beard from Colleen AF. If this makes little-to-no-sense, then you haven’t tried hard enough.
Get tickets here and all the details and full schedule here.
King Con Brooklyn (II), Nov. 4-7 at the Brooklyn Lyceum, 227 Fourth Ave. at Union St., Park Slope
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