Star Wars is more than just a series of movies. It’s an energy field created by all living things. It surrounds us and penetrates us; it binds the galaxy together. Or you’d at least think that based on all the hot Star Wars content around here lately, from ice cream to musicals to Machete Order celebrations of it. Well, with the premiere of The Force Awakens a mere eight days away, here’s another way to get some of that sweet space action in your life: A venue in Gowanus is doing an all-day marathon of all six Star Wars movies this Saturday that’s cheaper than the cost of a single movie ticket.
Can you handle nine and half hours of Star Wars? There’s only one way to find out, and that’s show up at the Gemini and Scorpio Loft in Gowanus in your most comfortable clothing (Jedi robes, perhaps?) on Saturday, December 12 at 4pm. We know what you’re thinking, “Nine and a half hours? But there are 6 movies that go about two hours each you big idiot. Can’t you do math?” That’s a little hurtful, so please tone it down as we explain. Just like how Halyards is getting around the pain of the prequels by showing them in Machete Order, Gemini and Scoprio will be cutting own on the bitter taste of Episodes I to III by sandwiching a fan edit of all three movies in between The Empire Strikes Back and Return of the Jedi. That’s the route that’s winning the Facebook poll at the moment, and it’s an honorable one even though having seen the three films in one we can say that it’s a bit confusing.

Other than the marathon itself, there’ll be themed drinks to go along with the festivities, as well as a drinking game to pass the time during the prequel mashup. Of course since you’re watching movies all damn night, you could also use that middle section from 10pm to midnight to take a brief nap, provided you can sleep through all the laughter. All Gemini and Scorpio is asking for this awesome marathon is a $10 donation, which is a ridiculously low price to pay for the evening. If you want in, just shoot your email over to Gemini and Scorpio here, and then get your Han Solo costume together in case anyone there is looking to lock lips with a scoundrel that night.
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