
Get your financial house in order if you want an affordable Domino apartment

domino development
If your finances were in order, you’d be home by now

Hey remember when Mayor Tall stared down Two Trees and said “I’m gonna squash you with my tallness if you don’t add more affordable housing,” and they said yes? It would be a damn shame if after all that, there weren’t enough qualified candidates to live in those affordable apartment. So, Brick Underground is here with a reminder of how to get your shit in order to give yourself the best possible chance to live in the Domino development for less.

The two most important things you can do are get your credit in order and not stiff ConEd between now and when the applications hit, Rob Solano of Churches United for Fair Housing told Brick Underground. With Con Ed, if you owe them anything you could find yourself disqualified, so comb through those old bills and make sure you don’t owe them anything. For your credit, if you have bad credit or no credit, that’s a problem, but you can work with CUFFH on fixing that problem.

Applications for housing at Domino won’t come out for over a year, but still, take the time to check out the rest of the Brick post for more pointers (and a sad story about a relationship destroyed by Domino). After all, you don’t want to be picked in the lottery, only for the Housing Department to look at your application and see that it’s no good at all.

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