At some point, it will get warmer. We think. We hope. When that time arrives, you don’t want your bike to full of the rust and wounds and jankiness that riding in the winter subjects it to. Fortunately for you, Greenpoint’s The Diamond (43 Franklin Street) agrees, which is why they’re opening their backyard on Sunday for a free pop-up bike repair workshop put together by shouty font bike folks TIME’S UP!.
The pop-up repair shop, which again, will be free, goes down on Sunday March 23 from 2pm to 6pm. Of course, the reason that the pop-up shop is free is because you’ll be the one doing the repairs. That being said, don’t be intimidated by getting a little bike grease on your hands or on your shirt or on your face. There’ll be plenty of tools laid out for everyone to use, and there’ll also be a couple of mechanics on hand to walk you through something if you’re not too much of a macho bike bro to ask for help.
If you want to thank TIME’S UP for providing their tools and their time, just make sure to buy a bunch of drinks, because the bar proceeds are what’s going towards paying these folks. But maybe after you’ve gone after your bike with a hydrospanner allen wrench to get into the truly heavy, life questioning drinking.
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