Hey you there, procrastinator. You waited months and months thinking about whether to buy a ticket to see Morrissey this weekend, and frankly, Mr. Shankly, you’re out of time, because both shows are sold out, and heaven knows you’re miserable now. Same could be said if you dragged your feet on getting tickets to NY Comic Con, Barbra Streisand’s big show at Barclays or even the Bacon Takedown at the Bell House. And now you’re thinking about trudging into the muck of the internet to find tickets. But is it worth it? Check our buy/sell ranking below to determine if it’s worth that last-minute ticket premium you’ll pay.
MORRISSEY, Terminal 5, Friday, Saturday
Face value: $75
Now on sale for:
$160 for two tickets for Saturday
$85 for 1 ticket for Friday.
$80 for one ticket for Saturday.
(and lots more)
Should you buy?
If you can snag one of those in the $80 range, go for it. The Mozz is notoriously spotty with his touring, so who knows when he’ll be around again. The pain of seeing him in New York City’s most sphincter-like, overcrowded, poorly located venue will be replaced by the joy of being crushed in a pit of 40-year-old men and hispanic teenagers rushing the stage with roses and outstretched arms. When emailing craigslister, remember to use the subject line: “Please please please let me get what I want” (sorry, I’ll stop).
BARBRA STREISAND, Barclays Center, Saturday
Face value: Tickets costing $350 and $650 are still available on Ticketmaster; $90 tickets sold out.
Now on sale for:
$306 each for 2 tickets in section 28
$700 each for 2 tickets in lower 8
$385 each for 2 tickets in section 210
$200 each for 2 tickets in section 3
$110 for 1 ticket in section 228
$800 total for four tickets in section 23
Should you buy?
It is certainly possible that some of you are Babs fans; it is perhaps more possible you promised your mom you’d buy her tickets to this show for her birthday/creating you, only to wake up today to realize you didin’t have $700 to drop on tickets. The only way we can recommend buying tickets to this absurdly priced event in an absurdly rusty arena is if you find a pair in that $100 range, which does not seem to be possible at the moment. Therefore, don’t buy: take your mom home and introduce her to Titus Andronicus instead.
BACON TAKEDOWN, Bell House, Sunday
Face value: $15
Now on sale for:
NOTHING. No one is selling their tickets on Craigslist, Twitter or anywhere else we could find. Because if there’s one thing Brooklyn is not willing to give up, it is eating animal flesh in a bacchanalia that would make hungry Romans blush, so much so that there’s a bacon shortage. Eat some kale instead.
Should you buy?
Yes, you should buy some kale.
NYC COMIC CON 2012, Javits Center, all weekend
Face value: $100 for a four-day pass; $45-$75 for day passes
Now on sale for:
$400 for a 4-day pass with VIP access
$100 each for 2 passes to Saturday
$75 for one Saturday/Sunday pass
$70 each for 2 three-day passes
Should you buy?
It would be easy to wonder if the preponderance of extra Comic Con tickets on Craigslist right now is because hopeful fans bought a pair expecting to find that perfect cosplay Cheetara to take with, only to realize they’re forever alone. Kidding! We’re actually hugely jealous of you. But there seems to be no shortage of extra day passes or weekend passes on Craigslist, for reasonable rates, because nerds are reasonable people, on whole. With such great fanboy/girl bait as Adam West signings, a Walking Dead panel and Carrie Fisher and Christopher Lloyd appearances, this one is worth the last-minute ticket price. Buy buy!
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