Looks like the weather may finally have turned this week, which means you can start thinking of things like eating ice cream. Don’t want to pay for said ice cream? That’s okay, today you don’t have to, because Ben and Jerry’s annual ice cream giveaway is upon us once again, from noon to 8pm. Obviously free ice cream is always good, unless like Tim, you think that Ben and Jerry’s is a “mediocre…faux-hippie chic” excuse for ice cream, in which case you probably won’t want to brave Times Square for a free cone. Oh, did we mention you have to go to two of New York’s most tourist-infested places for your free cone?
Yes, in a very clear case of there being no such thing as a free lunch, if you want your free cone of Ben and Jerry’s, it means going to either Times Square or Rockefeller Center. We suppose you could go all the way to Broadway and 104th Street, but the odds are if you’re reading this site that’s probably way too much of a stretch.
So it’s up to you really, to determine whether free ice cream is worth a wandering through a maze of goobers stopping to take a pictures in front of the Bubba Gump Shrimp Co., people shoving flyers at you while hollering “Hey you like comedy?” and fights breaking out between police and Metal Hero Friend performers who got a little too handsy with tourists. When we put it like that it doesn’t really sound like it’s worth it, especially if you’re trying to do it on a lunch break or right after work, but maybe you’ll decide otherwise. If not, you could always hold out hope that Häagen-Dazs, which has some Brooklyn locations, decides to do their free cone day again this year.
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When is free B&J pint at the nearby bodega day