Living in Brooklyn means a lot of things. It means chasing the ever-receding horizon of authenticity. It means doing absurd things for money. It means dating someone and having a scientist observe your every move with that person. Wait, what?
Enter Kitchen Sink Experiments, a new play that combines all of the above. Written by a Brooklyn playwright (Colby Day), the show centers around a millennial couple strapped for cash that signs up to participate in a paid sociological study: a scientist will come into their apartment and study their relationship.
And while the couple is mostly fictional, their apartment isn’t: the play is happening inside somebody’s actual living space.
Site-specific plays aren’t anything new—and if you follow our events, you’ve probably seen a show in a weird space before. But this particular play has the added creepiness of you watching someone watching someone else. And it’s all inside happening inside an “authentic Brooklyn apartment,” whatever that means.
“As we are attempting to document an adult couple’s natural behaviors, please be advised that there may displays of human sexuality, including but not limited to brief nudity,” reads the e-mail you receive upon ticket purchase. “Carry with you only what you need, as it is our hope you will remain as unobtrusive as possible. The lighter your footprint, the less you will accidentally alter the behaviors of your test subjects.”
Since the play takes place in such a raw, unmediated living space, seating is limited to 20 voyeurs audience members each night. In other words, definitely get your tickets soon. Kitchen Sink Experiments opens tomorrow (Friday), October 16 at 8pm, at an address disclosed only to ticket-holders. It runs until November 6, and tickets are $30.
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