Student loan debt isn’t a new issue, but it seems to have hit the millennial generation especially hard. The rising, near-prohibitive costs of a college education have gotten so absurd for folks aged 18-35 that big media is actually analyzing the cost/benefit of a degree. And with increasingly grim prospects of ever paying it off, student loan debt can feel like a terrible life sentence.
But if you’re a millennial Brooklynite burdened by loan debt, then chin up, sport, because someone is throwing you a party to erase it that comes with free snacks and cheap drinks and legal assistance! On Wednesday, Oct. 12, from 6 to 8:30pm, the New York Legal Assistance Group (NYLAG) and Bridge Street Development Corp. partner up to host an “Erase the Millennial Debt” party at Bed-Vyne Brew (370 Tompkins Ave.) with the tagline: “The Thirst is Real.”
There’ll be legal aid from NYLAG available onsite to counsel you on strategies for managing and fighting debt, while you enjoy drink specials and finger foods from Bed-Vyne. Given the sponsor this party might feel like branded content, but at least it’s from a well-meaning place and you might actually get useful tips.
RSVP to attend the thing.
And if you can’t make it but you still want intel on debt erasure, we’ve got this and this and this. Or if it’s too much to think about with the election, we get it, and you should just sit back and laugh about it today.
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