Far from the fluorescent lights of your seventh-grade health class comes Adult Sex Ed, a comedy to laugh along with at Caveat this weekend. Determined to teach you everything your teacher never did about sex, the show hilariously demystifies “the birds and the bees” through a series of sketches, stories, and educational “deep dives” aimed towards practical, adult-oriented sex education. That’s right- the show isn’t just about sex, but is actually designed to be an informative learning experience. Things get personal. They get weird. But most of all, Adult Sex Ed is a rare opportunity to explore the taboo topic of sexual pleasure in an enjoyable and inclusive way.
Dani Faith Leonard, the show’s creator and host, has a longtime and self-proclaimed “obsession with sexual education.” Born and raised in Brooklyn, she said, “I have a really awesome, liberal family I could speak to – and then I went to a school that was so different from that. A public school, not even a private school. And it was so different!” It’s this dichotomy between her home life and the school’s approach to discussing sex that first triggered her passion for “learning about one another.”
As a female comedian, naturally Dani found herself breeching the subject in a humorous (and public) way. “I think being a women in comedy you’re excited to do more of these female-focused storytelling nights, which almost invariably end up being about sex,” she explained. “And I thought- there should be a way to talk about this lack of healthy and accurate sexual education in America through comedy.”
Thus, Adult Sex Ed came to life alongside a cast of stellar comedians focused on highlighting diverse perspectives and stories revolving around this act we all do…but rarely seem to muster the courage to talk about openly. “I want to present people with unique voices, stories maybe you haven’t heard from…I think as far as sex ed is concerned, part of the problem is that we need to learn about each other. And, I also want to make sure I’m highlighting female voices and LGBT voices, because in doing a lot of research, I know they’re really left out of sex ed.”
Every storytelling segment by a different comedian even includes a “takeaway” to try at home. Maybe it’s the vulnerability, the raw honesty and hilarity of the subject matter, or the relief of realizing sex is confusing for all of us – but by the end of the show, Adult Sex Ed really has removed a barrier of awkwardness around sex and created a candid and informative experience.
“We have to talk to each other,” said Dani. “Men have asked me, in doing this show, what do women wish men knew during sex…it’s like, well have you asked her? These are conversations we should be having with one another!”
If you’re craving some sex ed by adults, for adults, then come talk, laugh, and listen along with Dani and a new cast of comedians this Saturday at Caveat with Adult Sex Ed.
Dani Faith Leonard is a comedian, writer, and producer. In 2010, she co-founded BIG VISION EMPTY WALLET, an inclusion-focused incubator that develops and amplifies unique voices in film and TV, as well as BIG VISION CREATIVE, a NY-based, but palm-tree-loving production company. Recent producing projects include feature film THE LIGHT OF THE MOON, SXSW 2017 Audience Award Winner released in theaters last Fall in conjunction with UN Women, and feature film LEZ BOMB, executive produced with Bobby Farrelly, which opened in theaters on November 9th. Dani performs as a storyteller, has a background in sketch comedy, and almost dies or kills others on every vacation she takes. Like her new live show, ADULT SEX ED, her work typically sits at the intersection of comedy and activism and is best paired with a tequila cocktail.
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