Threes Brewing is one of the more nature-affiliated places you can go in Gowanus – their backyard is huge, and if you work there, you can professionally crack open a cold one in nature, constantly. You’ll be a professional cold-one-cracker, surrounded by nature, enjoying award-winning beer professionally.
Beer Book bar and recent recipient of the Governor’s Exelsior Cup at the New York State Craft Beer competition (their beer is that good), Threes Brewing is a haven in Gowanus that feels like it extends a full block beyond its entrance. Immense and poppin’, they have drink and grub and did we mention that insanely large backyard? They’re not only a bar, they’re also a brewery, crafting delicious craft beer since December 2014, most with very creative names.

They’re hiring, and for multiple positions. Threes is looking for a bartender with an in-depth knowledge of beer, liquor and cocktails, a barback, a brunch manager to oversee operations on Saturdays and Sundays during – you guessed it – brunch, and a shift supervisor to hold down the fort during mid and closing shifts.
Applications are all inline on Threes Brewing’s website.

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