Film Biz Recycling, as you might know, takes used clothes from film and TV shows that would normally go in the garbage and resells them to you for cheap. On Friday, the Gowanus shop is having a big sale on 80s clothes, after getting an “enormous wardrobe and material selection from a recently canceled show that takes place in the 80s.” The store isn’t allowed to say where it gets the stuff from, but we’re just gonna use our super powers of journalistic deduction and say that it’s from The Carrie Diaries, which just bit the dust. Hey, Carrie Jr.’s loss is your gain! The night is going to be a whole 80s party with karaoke, videos and free fuzzy navels too.
The party goes from 8 p.m.-11:55 p.m. on Friday; Film Biz is asking you to RSVP to get first dibs at the goods, which includes men’s and women’s apparel, shoes, furniture and accessories from the 8os — or at least the TV version of the 80s (graffiti covered subway cars probably not included).
The VJ for the night is our friend Stephen Pitalo, of the Golden Age of Music Video, who you may remember as the throwback VJ from our Anti-VMA party in the fall. Film Biz, a non-profit, is asking for a $5-$20 donation at the door too.
If anyone has a cool Carrie/Sex and the City joke to wrap this post up here, please put it in the comments because such shows have never darkened my eyelids.
Film Biz Recycling is located at 540 President St. in Gowanus.
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