Remember how BuzzFeed realized they were running out of listicle ideas and decided to move into the news business? Well, now they’re looking for a lot of editorial employees. It seems incredible that the company that published Game of Cats is taking on serious journalism, but, hey, someone’s got to bring order to this changing media landscape, right? Bonus: they’re hiring. Check below for some neat gigs from them, the ACLU, the Nets, and more.
Buzzfeed is turning outwards to foreign news coverage. They’re looking for New York-based foreign reporters to focus on the Middle East and Asia. Kicking yourself because you studied French and not Mandarin? They’re looking for a foreign language associate editor, too; specifically French, Spanish, or Portuguese. Sorry, German linguists. You’re out of luck; unless you want to turn your analytical skills into a job as a Data Editor.
You might have heard of the Brooklyn Nets. They’re a basketball team that play at a little-known arena near the Atlantic Center. This small mom-and-pop organization is looking to expand their online presence and needs a Social Media Coordinator. They’re looking for a couple of years experience making content, facility with the Twitters, and a love for sports. Actually, this sounds like the perfect job for a certain Brokelyn editor…
Got your JD and fed up with working for a mega-giant corporate law firm? Got an itch to argue constitutional issues? Apply to the ACLU. They need an Advocacy and Policy Counsel to help protect our rights right here in New York. Just make sure you like public speaking.
Interested in protecting worker rights? The New York Hotel and Motel Trades Council, AFL-CIO, is looking for an Operations Assistant. Help support 30,000 hotel workers by planning campaigns, organizing data, and writing for the union website. I wonder if they’d bargain on the salary.
The New York Rangers want a Video Production Assistant to help them with team-specific promotional videos. This looks like a high-pressure but fun job for the film-loving adrenaline junkie. I guess you should like hockey, too, which narrows the pool of applicants.
Like high-pressure but don’t do sports? Penguin is looking for a designer to do Viking & Penguin ad promotions. Books ain’t dead, but they also ain’t gonna sell themselves. Bring your Photoshop, InDesign, and Final Cut Pro skills to the book-o-sphere and help bring literature to the masses.
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