You know that roundup we did recently on college do-overs? If I had a life do-over, I’d squeeze in more stuff like this: volunteering at the Sundance Film Festival. The annual fest in Park City Utah hires hundreds of volunteers every year to usher fur-bootied celebrities to their seats, work the ticket booth, sell Sundance merch, help people find the right shuttle bus, host some schmoozy hang called the “filmmaker lodge,” and more. (See all the different jobs you can do here.) You have to get yourself to Park City, and you don’t get paid [see vol-uhn-teer], and only a lucky few get free housing. But log enough hours and you can get into movies, parties, panel discussions and other Sundance events, not including sleeping with next year’s breakout movie star. And one of those official Sundance jackets (above) would look mighty fine around Brooklyn come next winter.
The 2013 fest runs from from January 17 – 27. So why are we telling you this now? Volunteer applications open on an as yet unnanounced date later this month, so check this page early and often if you’re interested.
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