Of the many highlights of last night’s thoroughly off-da-hook BK Meatup—the cheeseburgers, the NC-17 moments in the photo booth, the midnight makeout sessions on the dancefloor—none rivaled the bawdy wet t-shirt contest, in which a dozen game studs were soaked by eager volunteers wielding bar pitchers. Ryan Brady, a 23-year-old Williambsburgian, stole the contest, and many a heart, with his steamy kiddie-pool duet with Nicole C., a 26-year-old artist from Park Slope.
Nicole C. shows how to do a proper dousing.
“I started with the head then went nipples, crotch, butt,” Nicole said, when pressed for her contest-winning technique. “Nobody had done it that way before, and nobody did it afterwards.”
Later, Ryan registered surprise at his victory “because I think there were a lot of really attractive guys up here.” His secret? “You just go out there and be yourself.”
“I liked wetting him,” said Nicole, “because he looked like Wolverine.” Last night, Ryan wasn’t the only one getting… applause. Here are some of the others who did.
Call a lifeguard! This guy was so good our emcee Sara Schaefer practically jumped in the pool with him.
Thanks, everyone, who turned a ridiculous idea into a total hoot!
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