Look, we understand the Islanders’ move to Brooklyn was never going to be smoothest relocation imaginable, what with a devoted fanbase in the suburbs and cranky bloggers who allegedly know nothing about hockey throwing rocks at them. That being said, it hasn’t been made any easier by some self-inflicted wounds like hundreds of obstructed-view seats or a goal horn that the team’s existing fans immediately turned against or that boring black and white jersey. Barclays Center CEO Brett Yormark went on the radio to defend the team’s choice of goal horn and alternate jersey color scheme, and while doing so, blurted out that everyone knows that Brooklyn’s official colors are black and white (they are not). Well, at least we know he has the same deep connection to Brooklyn history as he does to our country music scene.
While on the Michael Kay Show, talk turned to the Islanders’ black and white jersey, which you’d be forgiven for thinking was a Nets’ related cash in. Yormark told Kay that just wasn’t true:
“It has nothing to do with the Nets. The colors of the borough are black and white. We need to connect and cement this team in Brooklyn in a couple of ways. One of the ways to do that is to identify this team with the colors of the borough
Just like the claim that Brooklyn had 385 country music bars, this seemed a little suspicious, so we went right to the source and asked someone at the Brooklyn Borough President’s office what the borough’s official colors are. We were told blue and gold, which makes sense, considering those are the colors of both the flag of Brooklyn and the seal of Brooklyn, seen above. Wikipedia and a flags of the world website confirm blue and gold are our official colors as well.
Yormark also was on the show to reveal that the team would be ditching its new and already loathed subway horn goal celebration, but that didn’t go that smoothly either. In addition to telling the angry hardcore Islanders fans know that he didn’t appreciate the way that hockey fans spoke to the team’s Twitter account, Yormark also told the fans who wanted the old goal horn back that “you’ve got your goal horn…sign up and buy season seats.” At least he has that good old fashioned “Fuck you, pay me,” attitude down pat.
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