-Be a part of Brokelyn contributor Andrew Linderman’s inaugural new storytelling series at 61 Local. (Monday)
-Rock and Roll documentaries, as they were meant to be seen: In a bar with cheap beer. (Monday)
-Drinking was a science this whole time. Who knew? The Masters of Social Gastronomy, that’s who. (Tuesday)
-Frau blücher! Catch Young Frankenstein at the last Red Hook movie of the year. (Tuesday)
-Find out how to scale up your professional business; but don’t get too drunk on free beer first (Tuesday)
-See where we threw out those crummy British and became a forever united and peaceful nation. (Wednesday)
-Not sure what a Dirty Nerdy dance party is, but we do like our nerds dirty. (Wednesday)
-Slow your roll, summer: It’s the last Brooklyn Bridge Park movie of the year, popular vote edition. (Thursday)
-It’s also the last week for the House of Vans shows, featuring Turbonegro and Doomriders (Thursday)
-Stay slightly sober and you might beat the competition at this open bar trivia. (Thursday)
Events pulled from the Brokelyn events calendar. Don’t see yours listed? Add it today!
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