1. Become more comfortable with the jargon at Legal Basics Every Artist Should Know, where a lawyer will explain how to stay protected as an artist, plus learn about contracts, LLCs, copyrights, and trademarks. (Monday, Powrplnt, FREE w/RSVP)
2. Exchange words at the Babes Book Swap and bring books for all reading levels, and any books not swapped will be donated to City Year and Edwin Gould Services for Children and Families. (Monday, Bulletin, FREE)
3. Get rid of your preconceived notions at Beyond the Good Muslim/Bad Muslim Binary, an interactive workshop asking participants to engage in and question the narratives that frame the way Muslims are talked about in the West. (Tuesday, Interference Archive, FREE)
4. Get creepy sexy at Drink ‘n Draw: Vampirella Edition, with images of old Vampirella covers and a model imitating them, allowing artists to draw some classic comic “female poses” with a male model as the muse. (Tuesday, Anyone Comics, $15)
5. It’s all coming up Milhouse at Pop! A Simpsons Bingo Party and celebrate TV’s most famous four-fingered family with games and prizes, plus video clips and mini-games between rounds. (Wednesday, Parklife, $2 per card)
6. It all equals out at The Donut Mile Fundraiser where you eat a donut, run a quarter of a mile, and repeat 3 more times. Winner categories for males and females, with proceeds going to The Gweneviere Mann Foundation. (Wednesday, Red Hook Park, $25)
7. Be a superHERo at Superhero x Comic Book Heroines Feminist Film Mashup where Princess Weekes breaks the mold of the oh-so-tired female narrative by challenging the ways we have come to accept female roles in film with a clip-show-style film analysis. (Thursday, Videology, $12)
8. See who takes home the transit tiara at Miss Subways Pageant, with a night of performances spanning the classy, the trashy, the weird, where contestants will demonstrate their devotion to their subway line of choice. (Thursday, Littlefield, $20)
9. Elephants fall from the sky at The Great Dumbo Drop, DUMBO’s annual block party with a spectacle twist: thousands of elephants dropping onto Washington Street, Brooklyn’s most photographed block with view of the bridge in the background. (Friday, Washington Street at Water Street, FREE)
10. Transport yourself to the desert at Lauren Silberman: The Opposite of Salt is Water using images from Amboy, CA and the surrounding desert areas to investigate the ideology and the mythological narratives surrounding the concept of the American Dream and what it means now. (Friday, Calico Brooklyn, FREE)
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