Don’t let the blizzard-y snow fool you, get you down, or instill apocalyptic climate change thoughts in your head – its time for spring cleaning! No, not time to clean that scary part of the kitchen you’ve been ignoring since you signed your lease. Time to clean up our local parks in anticipation of an entire season of Brooklyn frolicking. It’s time to get your mulch gloves on and join the 2013 Prospect Park Volunteer Corps! As a reward, you get a free brunch with the Borough Prez! That’s right: free brunch.
Assuming the snow is off the ground by then, the season will officially begin on March 30 with Opening Day Clean-Up and continue with weekly events focusing on different areas of the park. Interested parties (individuals, families, schools, guilty corporate groups, gay kickball teams) can fill out an application to join the Corps here. All groups must pre-register.
Volunteers who dedicate 20+ hours to the cause will be recognized by beloved Borough President Marty Markowitz at this year’s Volunteer Recognition Brunch. Again, free brunch!
So go on, get out there, a little fresh air might be good for ya.
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