A tree grows in East Williamsburg — or at least some vegetables will soon. The Brooklyn Economic Development Corp. plans to sow a vegetable garden on the vacant lot at 104 Moore Street. And they’re somehow doing it without coming off like a bunch of jerks.
The lot, located behind the Moore Street Market, has been vacant for over a year. “Right now it’s sitting there like a missing tooth,” said Joan Bartolomeo of the BEDC. “The plan is to create a community farm for plants to sell to local restaurants and some at the Moore Street Market.” The BEDC will enlist the help of local farmers and community residents to create the garden.
Before the garden can start blooming, however, the BEDC’s proposal must be approved by Community Board 1. It has already been agreed to by the Department of Housing Preservation and Development.
Bartolomeo seems unconcerned, however, about eating produce grown in lot that’s currently home to abandoned chairs, buckets and car parts. One thing we can be sure of is that if this garden happens, Marty Markowitz will be first in line to eat some of the produce.
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