Fritsch Grüner Ventliner! Berger Zweigelt! Gesundheit? No need. These mouth-fulls aren’t sneezes, but two of Café Steinhof’s special offerings as part of the first Austrian Wine Month in New York, a Brooklyn and Manhattan-based event running through November 22. Café Steinhof and three other Brooklyn Austrian eateries are serving an assortment of wines from different regions of the motherland, all paired with appropriate-sounding foods like Topfenstrudel, spätzle and wiener schnitzel. Steinhof is offering $4 glasses of the Lower Austrian wines during happy hour from 4 to 7 daily at the bar, and on Mondays, show up for $6 goulash and $3 apple bread pudding. Thomas Beisl downtown also is participating, with a $28 three-course, prix-fixe menu including wine (so you sleep through your movie across the street at BAM). Here’s the complete list of Brooklyn restaurants with special Austrian-wine-month deals:
Café Steinhof, 422 Seventh Ave. at 14th St., 718-369-7776
Stone Park Café, 324 Fifth Ave. at 3rd St., 718-369-0082
Thomas Beisl, 25 Lafayette Ave. at Ashland Pl., 718-222-5800
Watty & Meg, 248 Court St. at Kane St., 718-643-0007
More info on Austrian wine month here, and you can take a quiz and enter here to win a nine-day trip to Austria’s wine country.
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