The subway. If you’ve lived in New York for even five minutes, you have something to say about it. Whether you love the way it shoves New Yorkers of all walks of life in one space, get kinda grossed out by the dude clipping his toenails on it, or both, the subway is an essential part of our lives. Recognizing that, the Transit Museum has put out an open call for proposals for their new program PLATFORM, a cross-disciplinary program that’s being put together by you. Yes, you!
PLATFORM is scheduled to go down on Thursday, April 10, but the schedule for it is completely open. Is it going to have some spoken word and comedy? An interpretive dance number? A panel discussion on that fucking guy clipping his toenails and good Lord is that gross? Poetry about your favorite subway line? As long as you’ve got an idea for a public transit-themed evening, they want to hear from you.
All you need to do is email them at programs [AT] transitmuseumeducation.org with the name of your prospective program, what kind of media it would be (or if it’s a panel) and both a brief and longform description of what kind of idea you’ve got. They want to hear all the ideas by February 25 at noon, so you don’t have to rush anything. But also don’t wait until the last second.
Your own subway-themed event that you’d help be in charge of sounds like a pretty sweet deal. Just do us a favor and holler if you wind up with a subway-themed poetry night and want someone to rep the G train.
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David – put in a proposal, rep that G train! Seriously, we’d love to have you.