The streets you walk on, much like life, are full of garbage. The difference between the garbage you get from your yapping boss and the garbage you find on the street though, is that you can call the street garbage salvage and actually make it look pretty nice, if you know how. Fortunately for you, tonight in Gowanus, you can find out just how to do that. We can’t help you with your boss, though.
Seeing as how recycling is their thing, Build It Green!NYC will be hosting salvage expert Joanne Palmisano tonight from 6pm to 8pm. Palmisano will go over some tips on how to make the things you find on the street, in secondhand stores, or your parents’ attic go from aesthetic crimes to aesthetic good citizens. She’ll even walk through some of the things you can find at Build It Green and give ideas on them, listen patiently to your strange ideas for projects and give you advice on them.
Palmisano isn’t just any garbage picker, if you were worried about that. You can see from her blog that she knows what she’s doing, not to mention she’s got a show on the DIY Network about reusing found material and has written a best selling book on it. So if she tells you that no, a Victorian clawfoot tub maybe won’t go well in the living room, it’s gonna finally be time to give up that fight with your roommates.
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