Everyone knows times are tough for newspapers, and unfortunately for the New York Times, even a billionaire can’t seem to keep things from spinning out of control. It’s a bummer that the paper is basing more and more of its revenue on subscriptions, as opposed to advertising, but the move that they’re making to increase the price of a subscription for the second straight year, by 5 percent is tough pill to swallow. Especially since at $660, can almost get yourself two iPads.Of course, the $660 a year only applies to people who live in the metropolitan area. If you’re unlucky enough to live outside of NYC, you also get to suffer paying $837 a year for all the news that’s fit to print.
You won’t find any new media gloating around here. Even if newspapers have been doomed since the advent of Craigslist and cheats around paywalls, the Times is important, and when they lose, we lose. Hell, it’s not like we’re fighting for the same advertisers here. Although Macy’s, if you’re reading, we have very reasonable rates. We don’t want to see a great, legendary icon of news gathering go under anymore than we ever want to see a Jet game, which is to say: never. Hopefully though, they figure something out a way to make this work before a subscription gets up to a thousand bucks a year.
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