Bar of the Day: The Bell House
This is the fourth in our series on the venues featured in the Brooklyn Beer Book. Today’s spotlighted establishment is The Bell […]
This is the fourth in our series on the venues featured in the Brooklyn Beer Book. Today’s spotlighted establishment is The Bell […]
If you were there, then you may recall the chill in the room as Keith Sanders, from his spot in front of […]
It all comes down to this: 11/24, 8 p.m., The Bell House. Weeks One, Two, and Three brought on a round of […]
Listen, I lost. I lost pretty bad. Not only did I lose in the competition, but also in the practice round and […]
The World Series is at 3-2. Brett Favre just beat his old teammates on their home turf. And last night, 18 people saw victory over a seven-column, six-row vertically-suspended grid. The “game” we now refer to as Connect Four is centuries old, when Captain Hook used to play it so often with his fellow mates it was coined “Captain’s Mistress.” Well, last night was surely an affair to remember.
Connect Four, the seemingly-simple, ambiguously-named pastime of dropping checker-like pieces into little yellow slots, is about to be vaulted to the competitive […]